I grew up in the small coastal town of Batemans Bay before moving to Sydney in my twenties to become a Flight Attendant.
My job has taken me on many whirlwind adventures to magical destinations across Australia and around the world, including a trip to see the Quokkas!
I've always been an artistic soul in many ways and a big kid at heart.
I think this comment from my Mum sums everything up.
On Christmas Eve 2020, I should've been asleep because I had an early flight the next day. ​ Instead, I was wide awake in bed as my mind joyfully created rhymes about an adventurous little Quokka. And that's how it all began..
Quokka The Rocker was my first written and illustrated children's book.
Wrote on Christmas Day, after a long shift in the skies. (on very little sleep.)
All those times I had to pick you up from pre school..when all the kids made something to take home..whether it was a painting or a creation..not you..I was the only mum who went home with a boot load of stuff, every single time…I should of guessed then and there, that you would one day create something special.